Technology Stack

Shorten your time-to-value by having experts on your side. Accelerate your digital transformation fast without the need to worry about onboarding.

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We love long-term partners. But we also appreciate early adopters!

  • Monthly as part of your team
  • External consultants per hour
  • Project-based

People behind all this

We are a team of passionate people from different backgrounds and nationalities who love to code while drinking coffee!



Leverage data analytics to understand customer behavior and drive targeted marketing campaigns.

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Increase production efficiency and reduce downtime with predictive maintenance and IoT integration.

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Streamline order fulfillment and warehouse management to meet fluctuating partners’ demand.

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Our Services

Empowering your business with cutting-edge technology and expert guidance.

SAP® Certified Experts

We support you in finding the best SAP® engineers equipped with the latest knowledge.

AI and Machine Learning

Explore the power of AI and machine learning to transform your data into actionable insights.

Cloud Services and Migration

Navigate your cloud journey with our expert guidance, from planning to migration.

MVP Development

Out-of-the-box development to realize your ideas and turn them into testable products.

Agile & Design Thinking

We prioritize customer feedback and iterative development to enable rapid response to change.

Digital Transformation Strategy

We offer strategic consulting to help you optimize processes, and cultivate a digital-first culture.

Power Up Your SAP Projects with Skilled Professionals in Germany

Are you interested in enhancing your business using effective SAP solutions in Germany? Don’t allow your quest for the best employees to slow you down. TechHawks Consulting is the ultimate destination for engaging with the best SAP recruitment agencies in Germany. We recognize the important function SAP consultants play in the success of implementations and project management. With the help of our reliable partners, we will help you find the best match for your requirements, whether you need specialists in SAP S/4HANA, SAP Consulting and Implementation, or experienced professionals for SAP Project Management Jobs in Germany. Our SAP contract staffing services offer flexibility and expertise to help you reach your business objectives. Let us take care of the initial recruitment tasks so that you can concentrate on the most important goal: achieving successful SAP results.